Common Nutritional Myths!

What are some of the most common myths when it comes to information on nutrition?

Now more than any other point in history, we have access to the most amount information when it commons to nutrition. And while we have more accessibility to information we have also been exposed to as much misinformation making it harder to know what’s true and what’s not.

So, let's get stuck into some common nutritional myths. 

1. "Low Carb diets are the best way to lose weight".

False. While having a low carb diet is one of many ways to lose weight, it is not the only way and in some cases, can be of more detriment to health and weight loss than a simple caloric deficit. 

2. "High Protein diets are bad for kidneys and liver". 

False. High protein diets that are moderately high with the weight, lifestyle and dietary requirements taken into consideration will have positive benefits to muscle health and even benefit hair, skin, nails, appetite and body composition to name a few benefits!
Although, like anything else, there is too much of a bad thing being bad and like anything else, protein is no exception to this rule.


3. "To put on size and mass any food is best, calories = Quantity over Quality". 

False. While it is true that eating copious amounts of fast or highly processed foods will lead to weight gain, it is definitely not the best way to do it as this approach can lead to higher levels of inflammation, increased fasted blood sugar, poor digestion and a lack of vital minerals & vitamins. 


4. "Fruits are bad for fat loss because they’re high in sugar". 

False. Best expression I’ve come across is “I’ve never seen anyone get fat off fruit”.

While fruit is high in fructose (which is a form of sugar), whole fruit is also high in fibre, (think of the pulp in oranges). 

This fibre actually slows down the intake of the sugar and provides you with a long release of energy, and furthermore, fruits are rich in crucial vitamins & minerals that are directly related to energy levels, immunity, cell reproduction, sleep etc.


5. "Consumption of dairy can directly lead to weight gain". 

False. While some people shouldn’t consume dairy due to intolerances (this is the body’s lack of ability to produce Lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, the sugar in dairy), dairy itself will not lead to weight gain unless you’re consuming food in a caloric surplus. 


6. "Soy can cause hormonal problems in males". 

False. Yes Soy is rich in Isoflavones which are also referred to Phyto Estrogens, these are bio chemicals that have the ability to bind to estrogen receptors which is where the hysteria was hyped from.
A recent Meta Analysis has shown that Soy, Soy Protein & Isoflavones, regardless of the dose and duration had little to no effect on Testosterone or Estrogen in a males reproductive hormones*.

Here are a couple of common fake nutrition facts I hope we’ve been able to shine some light on.

Our advice Is to take in information from credible and trusted sources. 

NutritionNutritional information

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