Meet Georgia:

Georgia is our talent behind the camera lens, combining her passion of photography & videography with her love of health & fitness.
Always full of cheer and down for a chat, Georgia will not fail in making your in-store visit memorable.
An avid boxer, Georgia is quick & powerful hands-on display when she gets in the ring! A force to be reckoned with! 
Meet Georgia

Q & A:

1. Biggest pet peeve?



2. Proudest moment?

Believing in myself enough to start my videography/photography business 


3. What is your spirit animal and why?

Otters, they are chill as hahaha, and playful! They make me laugh 


4. Favourite restaurant / Cafe?

Rice scoop in Sunbury (so dam good)


5. Famous childhood crush?

Megan fox in transformers 😂 


6. Favourite Supplement at NC & why?

Adrenal switch, I love it a lot. It’s the one product I swear by. Helps improve the quality of my sleep!


7. Your favourite style of training/exercise?

Boxing. It’s such a challenging sport and really rewarding